Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mothers Day

Hello Everyone! I am going to share my Mothers Day story with you. Let me warn you that it is a sad story and not a happy one. On Mothers Day I started my day like most other Moms... I slept in a little later then usual while Shaun and the girls were sneaking around the kitchen making me breakfast. French toast with fresh strawberries and whipped cream! Yummy! As I was eating my delicious breakfast I couldnt help but think to myself "FINALLY, today I am going to relax and do what I want to do!". I finished my breakfast and sat down in the living room getting myself all pumped up to run my first 5K. It wasn't even 10am yet but I had a feeling it was going to be a great day. Little did I know that the phone was about to ring, and my Dad would be on the other end of that call giving me the worst news I have ever received. My Mom had passed away sometime in the night while she was sleeping. I can only try to describe how I felt. The sound of Kaylee playing, Alyssa whining, and the TV just stopped all at once. The room got darker and blurry. I was walking but not on purpose. My body was stiff, my throat was closing and I had tears falling down my face. I was crushed. I took a few moments for myself to really take in the news. After about an hour I decided to run. I couldn't stay inside just waiting until we could leave for MA to be with my family. Every step I thought of her. It's no secret that my Mom and I had a difficult relationship. But I loved her with all my heart every single day, and I still do. We got to MA later that day and I sat down with my Dad, my Sisters, my Moms partner, and my Nana. We were deciding what to do with her and when to do it. All I could think about was everything I never said to her, all the times I never picked up the phone to call her, and all the not so nice things I ever said about her. Over the next couple of days we stayed in MA planning her wake and memorial service. I kept talking to her in my head, telling her over and over again that I love her and I miss her. Every time I would start to cry I would picture her sitting next to me and telling me it was okay and not to be upset. She used to do that when she could see I was upset. Of course it just made me more upset and cry even harder and want her to be there even more. When I saw my Mom's body lying in the casket at the funeral home my knees went weak and I felt as if I was going to fall on the floor. I probably would have if my Aunt didn't take me in her arms right as I was about to loose it all and fall down. My mood started to change when all of her friends and co workers started filling the funeral home and telling my sisters and me stories about my Mom. They all talked so highly of her. They remembered her as the person I hadn't seen in many years. I started to realize more and more that my Mom was finally at rest and in peace. I know now that even though she was 49 and it was very unexpected that maybe we all should have expected it just a little bit more. Because you never know when you will loose someone, it could be way before you expect it or long after. There will always be words unspoken between us now. I know now that she knows I lover her, and I know that she has accepted her place in heaven and wants us to know how much she loves us. So thank you Mom for letting me know and reminding me how much you love me! That is the best Mothers Day present I will ever get.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 7 & 8 & 9

Day 7 I did 2.5 miles, day 8 I did no miles, and day 9, today, I did 1 mile. I know, I know, NO MILES ON DAY 8! But it was raining to hard for me to take the girls out and Shaun worked all day. I did make up for it by doing extra the day before though. I did sign up for my first 5k! It's on Mothers day! Now I know for sure I can get out and enjoy myself! lol So i'll keep you posted!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 5 & 6

Hello again! So I only ran 1/2 miles for yesterday and today because my knee is pretty sore. But I plan on making up for it tomorrow! hopefully my knee will be feeling better! I don't really have much to say so i'll write again soon. Katie

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 3 & 4

Hey Everyone! I have exciting news! First, I ran another two miles! 26 more to go! Yeah! My even more exciting news is that Macaroni Kid is partnering with my chapter of MomsRUNThisTown! YEAH!!!! They already mentioned my group on their website and Facebook page! The Publisher/Editor wants to meet with me and talk about co-hosting a couch to 5k event and starting a program for moms who want to start walking or running. I am just so so so excited to help motivate other moms to do something for themselves! I know how much it can help your family life when you feel good about yourself! I am meeting with her next week and I can not wait to hear what she has planned! This is so amazing! I am thrilled beyond words! Check back soon, Katie

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 2!

Hey Everyone! Another not so nice rainy day and I got out of the house and ran another mile!!! Yeah! So proud of myself! Today was a little bit harder because I had Alyssa with me so I had to go really slow or else she would cry. I almost just went home half way through but stuck with it and finished! I'll have to bring her with me tomorrow and Friday too so hopefully she does better. If not I can always walk it. Or wake up really early and leave Alyssa home with Shaun before he goes to work. I guess i'll see how tomorrow goes!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 1

Hello again! I know it has been a while but life with two little ones can get pretty busy! Let me fill you in... The past two months have been pretty rough. So it's spring already but it's still pretty cold/rainy outside and being stuck inside everyday is starting to drive me insane! Especially when it looks warm and sunny out but its really only 40 degrees. Anyway, I have been complaining constantly about being stuck inside all the time and never having anything to look forward to. I finally decided to stop making excuses and do something about it! So today I started my own 30 day challenge. Run 30 miles in 30 days! 1 mile a day! Yeah I know, 1 mile each day is no big deal BUT the challenge is to actually get out everyday and do it! Rain or shine! Today was day 1! Day 1: Running Buddy - Kaylee. Alyssa is still too young to ride in our jogging stroller. Kaylee did great! She laughed when I was running down hill. It's a really big hill and that stroller is heavy so we went pretty fast! That was definitely her favorite part! Weather - 43 Degrees/Raining. I decided to do this challenge this morning. It was raining so I was thinking of starting it tomorrow but you know what the rain isn't going to hurt and I didn't want to make any more excuses! Distance - 1.14 miles. I'm not going to lie, I haven't gone for a run in years and this was a pretty big deal for me! Time - 22:31 but it will get better! Can't wait for day 2!!!!!!!!
Me and Kaylee after our run!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things!

Dealing with two little ones all day can leave me pretty stressed out! So I really try to take time out and think of all the little things that keep me going through the day. Here's my list! ~ Hearing Kaylee wake up and calling for Mama or Dada. There really is no better way to wake up! ~ Little footsteps running through the house ~ Kaylee laughing at herself in the mirror! Seriously, how cute is that? ~ Kaylee banging on the windows trying to scare the mailman! Still my favorite! ~ Kaylee's laugh. It's contagious! ~ When either of the girls are sleeping on me! So sweet! ~ Anytime Kaylee uses sign language... She is so smart and I am so proud of her! ~ When Alyssa starts to cry, Kaylee stops what she's doing and says UH OH!!!! ***LOVE IT!*** You know what, I could go on and on but id rather go back upstairs and see my babies! Katie